On December 4th, the Social Law Library will be presenting a continuing legal education course on Effective Closing Arguments in Criminal Cases. Need resources on the topic now? Here are just a few of the books in our collection that will help you make the best closing argument during your next trial.
Closing Arguments: The Art and the Law by Jacob A. Stein. West, 2010
4th floor Reading Room KF8915 .S74
Trial Advocacy in a Nutshell by Paul Bergman. West, 2013.
4th floor Reading Room KF8915.Z9 B47 2013
Trial Objections Handbook by Roger C. Park. West, 2001.
4th floor Reading Room KF8935 .P37 2001
Trial Techniques and Trials by Thomas A. Mauet. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2013.
4th floor Reading Room KF8915 .M38 2013
Trial Tactics by Stephen Saltzburg. American Bar Association, 2012
4th floor Reading Room KF8915 .S25 2012
Trying Cases to Win: In One Volume by Herbert J. Stern, Stephen A. Saltzburg. American Bar Association, 2013.
4th floor Reading Room KF8915 .S75 2013
Looking for more something else? Ask one of our Reference Attorneys for suggestions by calling (617)226-1520 or emailing reference@socialaw.com.