Firm Guidelines

A law firm with 12 or more attorneys may register under Plan A or Plan B - (Plan B is not available to accounts with 50 or more attorneys.) A law firm with fewer than 12, but more than 1 attorney may register under Plan A or Plan C.

Plan A: Full Firm Membership

  • A Full Firm Membership requires that all attorneys in the firm be registered and paid for at the beginning of the membership term which runs from October 1st through September 30th. At least one of the attorneys must be listed as a Proprietor for all the members of the firm to have circulation privileges. Paralegals and clerks are registered at no additional charge as long as their total number does not exceed the total number of attorneys registered and paid for.
  • Once the dues for the term has been paid, new attorneys who join the firm may be added to the membership list at no additional charge for the remainder of the term. A full firm that removes a member from its membership roster at the end of a fiscal year and subsequently adds that same former member during the following fiscal year will be billed the full annual amount for that member.
  • Full Firm Members are allowed to call and reserve materials for messenger pick-up. Full Firm Members place Copy Center orders at the regular fees. (Limited firms are assessed a $10.00 surcharge per order.)

Plan B: Limited Firm Membership

  • A Limited Firm Membership requires that 75% of all attorneys in the firm be registered and paid for at the beginning of the membership term. Plan B is not available to accounts with 50 or more attorneys. At least one of the attorneys must be listed as a Proprietor for all the Library members at the firm to have circulation privileges. Paralegals and clerks may be registered at an additional charge but their total number must not exceed the total number of attorneys listed.
  • Throughout the term, new attorneys, paralegals and clerks who join the firm may be added to the membership list for the current membership fee for the remainder of the term.
  • Limited Firm Members cannot call and reserve materials for messenger pick-up. When Limited Firm Members place Copy Center orders they pay the regular fees as well as a $10.00 surcharge per order.

Plan C: Less Than 12 Membership

  • A Less Than 12 Membership allows a small firm to register and pay for as many attorneys as it would like listed. At least one of the attorneys must be listed as a Proprietor for all the Library members at the firm to have circulation privileges. Paralegals and clerks may be registered at an additional charge but their total number must not exceed the total number of attorneys listed.
  • Throughout the term, new attorneys, paralegals and clerks who join the firm may be added to the membership list for the current membership fee for the remainder of the term.
  • Less Than 12 Firm Members can call and reserve materials for messenger pick-up for a fee of $10.00 per book.



Please note that every membership must include a Proprietor or Subscriber. Registration forms which list only Paralegals or Clerks will not be accepted.


A Proprietor membership is required in order to circulate materials from the Library. The one-time Proprietor Initiation Fee of $50.00 is paid the first year a Proprietor joins the Library. Each year thereafter, the Proprietor is responsible for the annual dues to keep the membership current. Proprietor status is not transferable.


Attorneys must register as either Proprietors or Subscribers. A Subscriber membership allows the use of the resources of the Library but does not include circulation privileges unless the law firm has a Proprietor listed.


Law firm members are allowed to register paralegals on their membership list for the appropriate fee. Individuals who have taken the bar exam cannot be listed under this category. They must be listed as either Proprietors or Subscribers.


Law firm members are allowed to register 12 month Clerks or 3 month Clerks on their membership list for the appropriate fee. Individuals who have taken the bar exam cannot be listed under this category. They must be listed as either Proprietors or Subscribers.


Membership privileges are not transferable and there are no credits or refunds issued. Please notify the Membership Office of all cancellations and additions to your membership.

Sole Practitioner Guidelines

Only an attorney who is in Sole Practice is eligible to register under this category. Attorneys who work for law firms or corporate law departments must register as such. A Sole Practitioner may register as either a Proprietor or Subscriber. The membership term runs from October 1st through September 30th


A Proprietor membership is necessary in order to circulate materials from the Library and requires payment of a one-time Proprietor Initiation Fee of $50.00. Sole practitioners who are Proprietors may also call and reserve materials for pick-up.


A Subscriber membership allows a Sole Practitioner to use the resources of the Library but does not include circulation privileges.


Sole Practitioner members are allowed to list one paralegal or clerk on their membership at no additional charge. Individuals who have taken the bar exam cannot be listed under these categories. They must be listed as either Proprietors or Subscribers.


Membership privileges are not transferable, and no credits or refunds will be issued. Please notify the Membership Office of all cancellations and additions to your membership.