Location: Social Law Library, Boston, MA
When: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Cost: $60
CPCS approved for 3.0 CLE Credits for Juvenile Delinquency/Youthful Offenders, Post-Conviction and Adult Criminal Trial Panels.

This program will provide strategies and advice on criminal appellate practice from justices of the Supreme Judicial Court and the Massachusetts Appeals Court, as well as from an experienced prosecutor and knowledgeable defense counsel.
The panel will examine the nuts and bolts—and nuances—of drafting criminal appellate briefs and various do’s and don’ts of oral argument.
Since successful appeals often turn on the trial attorney’s ability to create an excellent appellate record, the program will also address tactics and options at trial to preserve legal issues and facts in the record that can be raised and successfully argued on appeal.
Online registration is encouraged. For assistance, questions on group discounts, special billing, program content, out-of-state CLE credits, and general CLE information contact Michael Saporito at msaporito@socialaw.com. Space is limited. Registrations accepted in order of receipt. Same day registrations are $5.00 extra. Registration fees are non-refundable. Registrants for this program acknowledge that during the program their photographic or videographic images may be incidentally taken; registrants agree that the submission of their registrations for this program constitutes their written consent to the Social Law Library’s use of any such image in print and online materials solely for promotion of the Library’s noncommercial CLE seminars and other educational events and activities.