Date & Time: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET
Webinar Fee: $65
This Program is Online only
Hon. Debra A. Squires-Lee, Massachusetts Superior Court
Thomas R. Jackson, Esq., author of the Practicing Law Institute’s The Depositions Answer Book (2021)
C. Dylan Sanders, Esq., Beveridge & Diamond PC
Remote depositions have become the new normal way to conduct discovery. Remote depositions pose their own unique issues. Recognizing and addressing the issues posed by the remote deposition process is crucial to litigation success. Focus on remote depositions from both the taking and defending lawyer’s perspective, addressing the logistical issues posed, dealing with abuses that can occur, and the best practices to make the remote deposition successful. Among the topics in the program are:
- The Standing Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure’s current recommendation to allow the noticer to select the manner of for taking a deposition.
- The logistical issues to address in the remote setting.
- The various ways in which lawyers have abused remote depositions.
- Suggestions for best practices to avoid as many abuse potential abuses as possible.
- The best way to defend remote depositions.
Online registration is encouraged. For assistance, questions on group discounts, accommodations requests, special billing, program content, out-of-state CLE credits, and general contact CLE Coordinator, Michael Saporito by email at Registrations accepted in order of receipt. Registration fees are non-refundable. Most Social Law Library CLE events are recorded and recordings are sent to all who are registered. The recording is available by digital download, generally within a week after the program date. CLE credit, when applicable, is only granted when the live webinar is attended.