Date & Time: Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET
Webinar Fee: $65
This program is online only.

Every year, the Business Litigation Session ("BLS") of the Massachusetts Superior Court handles a wide variety of complex business and commercial disputes. In doing so, it decides issues not only of first impression but also other novel issues of interest to any practitioner who litigates business disputes. This CLE will review the most notable BLS decisions from the past year to give practitioners additional tools that they can use when they are litigating in Massachusetts (and perhaps elsewhere).
A number of significant cases will be discussed. Examples include:
Cannapreneur Partners LLC v. AABA Inc., Case No. 2184CV02744-BLS2 (Salinger, J.) (June 17, 2022) (dismissing indirect investor’s claims for lack of standing in intra-company dispute)
FTI, LLC v. Duffy, Case No. 1684CV03176-BLS2 (Salinger, J.) (June 22, 2022) (concluding that violations of employment agreements and fiduciary duties occurred “primarily and substantially” in Massachusetts for G.L. c. 93A claim)
Katopodis v. Plainville Gaming and Redevelopment, LLC, Case No. 2184CV01937-BLS1 (Kazanjian, J.) (Sept. 12, 2022) (holding that gaming company’s failure to provide legally required win/loss statements to patrons constitutes “separate” and “distinct” injury for G.L. c. 93A claim)
Online registration is encouraged. For assistance, questions on group discounts, accommodations requests, special billing, program content, out-of-state CLE credits, and general contact CLE Coordinator, Michael Saporito by email at Registrations accepted in order of receipt. Registration fees are non-refundable. Most Social Law Library CLE events are recorded and recordings are sent to all who are registered. The recording is available by digital download, generally within a week after the program date. CLE credit, when applicable, is only granted when the live webinar is attended.