Lecture and Reception
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Social Law Library, John Adams Courthouse
The William P. Homans, Jr. Endowment
of the Supreme Judicial Court Historical Society and the Social Law Library
Elizabeth Hinton
Assistant Professor of History and African Studies American Studies
Harvard University and author of

“Why We Should Reconsider the War on Crime” — Time Magazine — It “shapes what is arguably the most important social crisis the United States faces now.”
“Did Blacks Really Endorse the 1994 Crime Bill?” — The New York Times — “African Americans wanted comprehensive action, not mass incarceration”

The Supreme Judicial Court Historical Society is an educational trust operating under the auspices of the Social Law Library
The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily of the Library or the Homans Endowment. Registrants for this program acknowledge that during the program their photographic or videographic images may be incidentally taken; registrants agree that the submission of their registrations for this program constitutes their written consent to the Social Law Library’s use of any such image in print and online materials solely for promotion of the Library’s noncommercial CLE seminars and other educational events and activities.