Starting in September, Fastcase will have a new look. You may have already seen the blue notice at the top of the page when you login to Fastcase via the Research Database page. If you’d like to try out the new and improved Fastcase before the switch, you can do so by clicking on the “Try it now” link on the main page.
So Fastcase will go from looking like this:

To looking like this:
In addition to the facelift, there are quite a few new features and ways to browse. The core of the database remains the same, with the same access to case law, statutes, cite checking, and secondary sources. However the database has been upgraded so you will notice that searches run much faster.
To guide you through the transition, Fastcase will be hosting free live webinars every Wednesday at 2PM EST starting August 12, 2020. A Fastcase staff member will take you through the changes and answer any questions that you have. You can sign up for the tutorial here:
Can’t make the time for a live tutorial? Fastcase has pre-recorded video tutorials which you can watch on your own time here on their YouTube help page. You can find videos on everything from familiarizing yourself with the new navigation features to running advanced searches and downloading/print documents.
Still having trouble with the new Fastcase? Email the Reference Staff at and we’ll troubleshoot it with you.