Social Law’s Second Chance Digital Downloads allows you to listen to any of our recent CLE Programs. For $19.95 you can access the audio files and materials from each event. Our most recent CLE on October 16th, Preparing Clients for Depositions, Trials and Mediations featured Alan Fanger, Esq., President of Empower Legal, Inc.

Program Attendee Testimonials:
“Snappy presentation. Respectful of audience questions. Explained his recommended practices so that the listener understood why to do it this way.”
“The speaker was very passionate about the subject matter and calming in his approach.”
"Great answers to questions and recommendations for real world use of strategies reviewed.”
To purchase the audio and materials from this program please click here:
For more information about this program, digital downloads or any Social Law Library programs please contact CLE Coordinator, Michael Saporito at (617) 226-1343 or by email at msaporito@socialaw.com .