Social Law Library members now have access to Full Court Press titles from Fastcase. Users will be able to search, browse, print and download sections from the following titles in the Fastcase database:
- Map a Complex Case by Dave Dolkas: Provides specific methods and guidelines to manage the litigation team, organize the evidence into a compelling narrative, and effectively present and visualize the evidence at trial.
- Insurance Bad Faith and Punitive Damages Deskbook by Barry Zalma: Understand the relationship between insurance, the tort of bad faith, and why punitive damages are awarded to punish insurers.
- Zalma on Property & Casualty Insurance
- Insurance Law Deskbook by Barry Zalma: The Insurance Law Deskbook includes the full texts or digests of insurance-related decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. District Courts of Appeal, state appellate courts, and foreign courts that have molded the American insurance law, as well as vital explanatory chapters, historical context, form letters, and more.
- Mapping the Deal by Dan S. Schechter: An essential desk reference for California attorneys dealing in real estate.
- The Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law (RAIL)
- AILA Law Journal: Features in-depth analysis of civil and criminal immigration issues by the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
To access these titles, click on the “Search Full Court Press” link under the Search tab or the “Start a New Search” column on the Fastcase homepage.