BOSTON, MA -- A group of approximately 100 high school students from Another Course to College today participated in Law Day activities at the Supreme Judicial Court, where they had the opportunity to learn from and interact with Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants and Justice Geraldine S. Hines, current and former law clerks, and attorneys. This year's Law Day theme is Magna Carta: Symbol of Freedom Under Law.
The day began with a theatrical performance by Theatre Espresso called Justice at War about a case that was heard before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of detaining Japanese Americans in United States internment camps during World War II.
After the performance, Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Gants and Justice Hines spoke to the students in the Seven Justice Courtroom. They talked to the students about what inspired them to pursue careers in the legal field and how they became judges. They also explained the structure of the court system, the difference between trial courts and appellate courts, and the role of the Supreme Judicial Court in the state judiciary.
Chief Justice Gants drew from current events such as the recent U.S. Supreme Court argument on gay marriage and the nature of 21st century search and seizure issues to illustrate how the judiciary impacts everyday life. Chief Justice Gants also explained the concept of jurisprudence, saying that "The Constitution has to grow and adapt to changing circumstances just as a living organism does. Otherwise it won’t survive."
Justice Hines spoke to students about her career and what led to becoming the first female African American Justice since the SJC was established in 1692. "I came to the law inspired by injustice," she said, comparing her childhood in Mississippi during the Civil Rights movement in to the protests "happening on the streets today in America. How does the law work, and how can our laws fix this current situation?" she asked the students.
Students then met in small groups with attorneys from the SJC Law Clerk Society, who are former law clerks of the court, to discuss the role of courts and the rule of law in a democratic society. The former law clerks led students through a series of hands-on exercises that encouraged in-depth discussions on current legal topics designed to illustrate and emphasize the Law Day theme.
The students also had the opportunity to be view exhibits in the John Adams Courthouse, including the John Adams Exhibit Room, where they learned about John Adams and his role as the architect of the American system of government. They also viewed the Sacco and Vanzetti exhibit and learned how a miscarriage of justice occurred in that case and the changes to the system that resulted.
Law Day was established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958 as a day to recognize the principles of government under the law, and the nation’s rich heritage of liberty and justice. Celebrations commemorating Law Day take place every May in courthouses throughout Massachusetts and the United States.

Chief Justice Ralph Gants celebrates Law Day with Boston High School students

Justice Geraldine Hines celebrates Law Day with Boston High School students