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I write to you today to ask you to support the Social Law Library's Annual Fund.
As you can see from Social Law's new website,, we have updated our look.
More importantly, we've upgraded our services. These are just two of the many new services Social Law is rolling out:
- This past month Social Law was the first bench-bar Library in the United States to provide its members with Bloomberg Law, a new entrant in the legal-publishing business providing a wide array of content on the business-and-finance side of legal practice that cannot be found in Westlaw or Lexis.
- Early next year, the Library will launch another first: Unprecedented, 24/7 remote access to nearly 300 premier Lexis treatises. All of Social Law's 14,000 members will be able to use the Lexis eBook Library on their computers, tablets, and other mobile devices.
Although many services at Social Law are new, its contributions to the administration of justice and commitment to equal justice for all are not.
- The scholarship and standing of our highest courts depend in part on the strength of the Social Law Library's unparalleled digital and paper-based collections.
- Solo practitioners and large firms alike also rely on Social Law's vast resources to formulate their arguments and advise their clients.
- The Library's pro bono membership policy ensures that Legal Services organizations in every corner of the Commonwealth receive the same vast Library resources and services relied on by the Massachusetts judiciary and the most sophisticated firms in the city. Such equal access to Social Law is an important element of equal justice in Massachusetts.
It is not an exaggeration to say that every segment of the Massachusetts legal community relies on the Social Law Library. It is also not an overstatement to say that the quality of the Social Law Library has a very real impact on the quality of justice in Massachusetts.
Your contribution will help us stay in tune with the times with cutting-edge research tools. More importantly, your donation will demonstrate that you share Social Law's timeless commitment to the administration of justice and equal access to the law. Click here to donate today.

Robert J. Brink
Executive Director
Social Law Library
John Adams Courthouse
One Pemberton Square, Suite 4100
Boston, MA 02108-1792