On October 29, 2014, the Library co-sponsored “Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions: Nuts and Bolts, Practice Pointers, and Emerging Issues” with The Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association. The event was chaired by Hon. Douglas H. Wilkins of the Massachusetts Superior Court and featured Timothy J. Casey of the Administrative Law Division, John R. Hitt, Esq. of Cosgrove, Eisenberg, and Kiley, P.C., James B. Lampke of Hull Town Counsel and Massachusetts Municipals Lawyers Association, and Robert Quinan of the Administrative Law Division at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. One attendee proclaimed, “Knowledgeable panel. Focused discussion.” The Library would like to thank the Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association and the faculty for making this program a success.

The next night, the auditorium was packed once again for “Lawyer Conduct Voir Dire in Massachusetts: Are You Prepared?” The faculty, featuring of Hon. Dennis J. Curran of the Massachusetts Superior Court, Mark Mandell, former AAJ President Mandell Schwartz & Boisclair, John P. Ryan, Sloane & Walsh, Valerie Yarashus, Meehan, Boyle, Black & Bogdanow, and Hon. Netti Vogel, Rhode Island Superior Court, led an interactive and energetic seminar. We would like to thank our co-sponsor Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly for helping with the organization of this event.
Please visit our registration page to see the events we have scheduled for November and December.