Need a copy of a federal House or Senate report? Want a breakdown analysis of the 1976 Copyright Act? Don’t reinvent the wheel trying to do a federal legislative history yourself – we have access to hundreds of previously compiled federal legislative histories in our collection. You can find a list of the major subject areas and acts in our
Federal Legislative History Research Guide.
Don’t see what you need in the guide?
HeinOnline’s U.S. Federal Legislative History Library contains thousands of pages of scanned congressional reports and documents. You can run keyword searches or browse by Public Law Number or the Popular Name of an act, and download the material as a PDF right to your desktop. Do you just have a citation to a congressional document and don’t know where to find it? Start your search with ProQuest Congressional’s “Search By Number” feature to track down important bibliographic material that will aid you in your search.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the Social Law Library’s Reference Attorneys at (617) 226-1520 or
reference@socialaw.com, and we will do the searching for you!