The Social Law Library periodically features profiles of its members. Our members come from all areas of the state, practice in a variety of legal settings and in all areas of law. If you are interested in participating in the member profile contact
Mike Saporito.
This month we are featuring David Glenn Baker
of Boston, Massachusetts, Social Law member since 2000.
Patron Profile Featured Member Questions
How long have you been practicing law?
18 Years
What city do you practice in?
What are your practice areas?
Bankruptcy (including litigation).
What do you love about your work?
The intellectual challenge.
What do you find the most challenging about your work?
Keeping up. I am a true solo, with no assistants.
How does the Social Law Library help you in your practice of the law?
I find the website very helpful, especially with access to Fastcase.
Do you have a website/URL? http://www.bostonbankruptcy.org.
How can people reach you?
Email is best.
david@bostonbankruptcy.org What do you wish they had taught you in law school?
That while statutes are the law, it is the cases we read that interpret and apply the statutes that are the best source of understanding what the law means.
What is your advice for current law students?
Do an internship or two. Getting into the nitty-gritty of an actual law practice is often times an eye-opener.
What is the most surprising part of your job?
That I sometimes lose cases that I should win, and win cases that I should lose.
Any advice for new attorneys or law students as they embark on a legal career?
Get a mentor to help you through the first year or two of practice. Having someone to bounce questions and problems off of will go a long way to helping maintain one's sanity.