The Social Law Library periodically features profiles of its members. Our members come from all areas of the state, practice in a variety of legal settings and in all areas of law. If you are interested in participating in the member profile contact
Mike Saporito.
This month we are featuring Sarah Unger of Boston, Massachusetts, Social Law member since 2013.
Patron Profile Featured Member Questions
How long have you been practicing law?
Since 2009
What city do you practice in?
I practice in Boston.
What are your practice areas?
Appeals, Criminal, and Immigration.
What do you love about your work?
I love being able to help my clients navigate what can be a pretty intimidating system, and showing them that it is possible to get a fair result, even when circumstances might seem pretty bleak.
How does the Social Law Library help you in your practice of the law?
Since most of my work is appellate in nature, I need easy access to the best research resources. The SLL provides this, and more - the staff is always very helpful when I have questions of any kind, and the CLEs are great.
Do you have a website/URL?
Yes: Not built yet, but under construction and coming soon at:
How can people reach you?
Phone: 617-532-2656; E-mail:
What is the most surprising part of your job?
When people jump out from a dark corner in a courthouse and yell "Surprise!" No, in all honesty, my job is fairly regularly surprising, and in good ways - either because I see a client demonstrate amazing strength and fortitude in the face of a really trying situation, or because a clerk or colleague or opposing counsel does something really courteous and professional that makes my job easier, or because I discover some obscure but relevant sub-pocket of law that is useful to a case. If my job was never surprising, it wouldn't be as interesting.
Any advice for new attorneys or law students as they embark on a legal career?
Keep balance in your life. Being a lawyer is great, but at the end of the day, you will be a better lawyer if you have other things going on, too.