Reprinted with the permission of the Massachusetts Lawyer's Weekly. January 7, 2002 (30 M.L.W. 3864)


This Old Court

The times, they are a-changin'.

Not only is the historic Suffolk County Courthouse undergoing renovation, but soon
Internet surfers will be able to check its progress on-line.

The Social Law Library, which will join the Supreme Judicial Court and the Appeals Court
in the revamped courthouse, is creating a website dedicated to the project.

According to Anne C. Peters, director of external relations for the Social Law Library,
"The purpose of the website is to keep the public up-to-date on the renovation."

The site will include everything from construction progress reports to the latest press
releases and news stories.

But the courthouse's rich history will not be forgotten. The website will also include
articles, notes, and photographs showcasing the history of the building and its tenants.

The website is expected to be accessible from the homepage of the Social Law Library,, by March 1.

With a familiar façade that frequently appears on television's "The Practice," the Suffolk
County Courthouse was built in 1895, but, as any Boston lawyer can attest to, has since
fallen into serious disrepair.

The sweeping renovation project will give the building a complete overhaul, adding a
central air and heating system, separate elevators for judges, greater handicapped
accessibility and technological enhancements.

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