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The Social Law Library, in accordance with its and its vendors’ database access and usage polices, strictly prohibits the use of any automated tools and/or scripting methods to submit search criteria, however broad or general, to any database or information utility provided by the Social Law Library to its patrons. SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE ENTIRE POLICY. 

Patron access to, and use of, the online legal research databases and information utilities made available to patrons by the Social Law Library is permitted only via manually-conducted, discrete, individual search and retrieval methods and only for the purpose of conducting legal research. Access via mechanical, programmatic, robotic, scripted, or any other automated means, and the use of more than one patron computer terminal at a time, is strictly prohibited. Wholesale copying of, or republication in any medium, print or electronic, of all or any portion of any databases or information utility provided by the Social Law Library is likewise strictly prohibited. 

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The Library reserves its right to take appropriate actions to insure compliance with this policy. 

Continued use of Library computers and the databases it offers patrons constitutes acceptance of this policy. 

Please note that vendor licensing restrictions limit remote access the HeinOnline database to accounts with fifty or fewer attorneys.

Last revised date: December 11, 2009.

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Coercive Control as Abuse Register
POINT OF ORDER - A Novel by U.S. District Judge Michael Ponsor Register
Consumer Law Essentials - Fraud Fighters: A Beginner’s Guide to Protecting Consumers from Payment Scams of all Stripes Register
Webinar Wednesday - March 19 Register
Consumer Law Essentials - Energy and Utility Consumer Protections: How to Help Consumers Avoid Utility Disconnections and Debt and the ABCs of Solar Panel Consumer Protections Register
Residential Landlord Tenant Law – Learn What the Judges Learn! (Day 1 - Program Only) Register
Residential Landlord Tenant Law – Learn What the Judges Learn! (Day 1 - Program and Book) Register
Residential Landlord Tenant Law – Learn What the Judges Learn! (Both Days - Programs Only) Register
Residential Landlord Tenant Law – Learn What the Judges Learn! (Both Days - Programs and Book) Register
Practical Strategies for Incorporating Reduced Fee Legal Services into Your Practice Register
Residential Landlord Tenant Law – Learn What the Judges Learn! (Day 2 - Program Only) Register
Residential Landlord Tenant Law – Learn What the Judges Learn! (Day 2 - Program and Book) Register
Respectful Workplace Practices: Immunizing the workplace in response to harassment, bullying and misconduct behaviors and complaints Register
The Lawyer Well-Being Series - The Anxiety Advantage: The Attorney's Guide to Turning Your Biggest Obstacle into Your Superpower Register
Webinar Wednesday - April 30 Register
Depositions – Develop and Sharpen Your Skills (2025) Register